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Interview with Prof. Naomi Tadmor about In Quest of Justice

On the occasion of receiving the Social History Society Book Prize, I had this interview with Prof. Naomi Tadmor, the Chair of the Society

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  1. Niki Theo.
    Niki Theo. 24/06/2020

    Excellent interview<Khaled.
    Your message was particularly relevant as you brought around the past to the present. "nothing changes".
    Hope all is well with you. We miss you here in Cambridge, the other Cambridge. Best, Niki

  2. Ossama Farahat
    Ossama Farahat 25/06/2020

    ألف ألف ألف مبروك ايها الصديق العزيز د. خالد فهمي فوزك بهذه الحائزة واتمنى لك دوام التوفيق والنجاح في كل منجزاتك القادمو

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