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Month: January 2021

The Arab Spring of 2011

On the tenth anniversary of the Arab uprisings of 2011, the BBC’s The History Hour program devoted an entire episode on Saturday, 30 January 2021, to the event. Here is the BBC’s blurb: In the early months of 2011 a wave of social unrest swept across the Arab world as people protested against repressive and authoritarian regimes, economic stagnation, unemployment and corruption. It began with reaction to the self-immolation of a young market trader in Tunisia, but soon became an outpouring of resentment after generations of fear. On The History Hour, Professor Khaled Fahmy of Cambridge University, helps us unravel…

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Egypt’s Dystopia Is a Lesson for the World

Article written by Jack Shenker and published in Vice on 25 January 2021 Ten years after the revolution, Tahrir Square is sanitised, the dictatorship in place harsher than the one it replaced. But while the revolutionary generation came from ruins, it is not ruined. “Is this intensive care?” someone shouts, as the hospital corridor convulses with panic. Medics rush from room to room; crowds of concerned relatives begin to gather; an equipment trolley has spilled to the floor. Amid the commotion, some patients are bent over, seemingly gasping for breath. Others are surrounded by hospital staff, who are desperately attempting…

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Cinque anni fa, Giulio Regeni veniva sequestrato, torturato e brutalmente ucciso al Cairo mentre faceva ricerca sul campo per il dottorato che avrebbe conseguito presso l’Università di Cambridge. La morte di Giulio è stata una tragedia. Un colpo terribile per i suoi familiari e i suoi amici. Un evento orribile per i suoi colleghi universitari a Cambridge, al Cairo, e per l’intera comunità accademica globale. Si è trattato anche di un assalto al principio di libertà di ricerca accademica che contraddistingue il lavoro di tutte le università, e che Giulio incarnava. Questa settimana ci fermiamo, nel ricordare le qualità di…

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